Family/Individual Trip Piece

1. What special trip has your family taken together: a vacation, travel to a wedding, travel to a funeral, travel to another country, travel to visit relatives, etc.?  Was the occasion for the trip happy or sad?  What happened on the trip?  How did the trip turn out?  Would you take the same trip again or make it with the same people?

2. What trip has your family always planned to take but never been able to take?  Why do they want to take the trip and why haven't they done so?

3. What important or significant trip have you personally taken?  Why did you take the trip?  What did you learn about yourself and/or others while on the trip?  How did the trip turn out?  Tell the story of the trip.


1. Camping trips to Michigan/LBL: David/Joe playing guitar/violin, midnight "hiking" trips, Jason's untouched beer "offering," late-night Rummy, David's run-in with the law

2. Um...outer space to find our relatives? LOL. I can't think of anywhere we've planned on going...I know as a kid I wanted to go to Disney and maybe to the Grand Canyon and westward for a summer road trip. But we always found ourselves back in Michigan and by the time the trip was underway, everyone had forgot about the other places.

3. Trips between Indiana and Georgia - the first in July 2003 (sad), second in June 2006 (jubilant), third in December 2006 (return to normalcy), fourth in August 2007 (excited to "show off" Jason), fifth in August 2008 (dualism: excited to see family, unimpressed with LBL).