Parent Exploration

I left my family in Kokomo, Indiana, for an unworthy suitor. My mom knew it, my dad knew it, and - try as I might to deny it over the next three years - I knew it. My mom - calm, soft-spoken, and accepting - came to see me off. She brought my oldest brother for support. But my dad didn't ever arrive - he couldn't stand to watch me commit my biggest mistake. His silence told me more than any "you should..." ever could.

[set up like an ironic fairy tale, placing Charles as a anti-Prince charming.]

my "ideal" man...
  • I blinded myself and ignored cues (having ignored Mom's alcoholism for years)
  • He tried to pull/draw my attention to this blindness of my family
  • He attempted to place the blame on my dad while rebelling against my brother's more-appropriate placement of the blame at my feet.
I know that it took my mom great strength to come without my dad...I imagine movie-inspired reaction as I rode away in that silly mom wailing, falling into my brother's arms.  But I didn't look back. I couldn't.


Do I want to use his name?

I see much more interpretation than memory.

