Artifact Plan of Action

Writer’s Workshop #1 took place on Tuesday, June 23, and focused on my “Artifact Piece” entitled “Stationary.” My group felt that my piece was well-written and offered few suggestions for improvement. They thought it might be beneficial to explain why, as noted in the composition, I felt my words were undeserving of a place on the pages of my fancy stationary. While I feared my shift from self-deprecation to my latest literary attempt – as well as other transitions – was too abrupt, group members conjectured that these jumps were in line with my stream-of-consciousness style. They also both felt that my mixed metaphors were successful in conveying my meaning and that the lack of cohesiveness provided a stylistic flair in line with my scattered thoughts. When asked whether I should muse more deeply over the memories attached to the paper, they agreed – but were not as emphatic with this desire as I would have hoped. I plan to incorporate these ideas, perhaps intensifying the disarray of my first draft. I feel it might be appropriate to link the unorganized contents of the tote to my unorganized thoughts. I also will attempt to suggest that the haphazard nature in which I store these beautiful pages (in a raggedy red canvas tote on my bottom shelf, where it can continue to be my cat’s scratching post) is indicative of my feelings toward my writing talents. I also think the piece would benefit from an injection of Emily – I feel that this piece, much like my writing habits, is holding back. This piece only serves as evidence to the writing talents I am still hiding away. But then again, perhaps – given the prescription offered at the end of the piece, this is the power of the piece. It is only the first step to recovery…and only if I continue taking the pills – writing short pieces – will I overcome the insecurities that cage my words. WORKSHOP INFORMATION: Kayla Jones and Anita Sarten (I think) I felt a little let down by the experience, as I didn't receive much constructive criticism. It was not until I moved on from my inactive, listening post to my questions that suggestions started flowing – and even then there were few comments. I fear that this silence is indicative of a weak piece, and plan to put it aside for the time and build on a different memoir exploration.

